Together, helping people to stay in the place they love.

The Guide To Living Well

The Guide to Living Well is a useful resource that helps you to develop a plan for growing older well. You’ll find information on topics including independence, health and wellbeing, finances and funding and the importance of social connectedness and relationships. The guide also provides you with many useful conversation starters, checklists and references to make planning for the future as simple as possible.

Ita Buttrose Portrait

Introduction by Ita Buttrose.

No one knows what the future holds as they grow older, but ageing well has much to do with the choices people make for what perhaps is the most important chapter of their life’s journey.

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Independence and sociability

The power of human connection is something that cannot be underestimated. As you’ll see in this chapter, we not only want to recognise the importance ...

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There is an immense amount of pressure on those caring for their loved ones – particularly when they want to make sure they’re living a happy and heal...

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Finances and funding

For some of us, the in-home care landscape is completely foreign territory, and it’s for this reason that we wanted to cover the key areas of finances...

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The Home

One of the biggest reasons we wanted to create this guide is so that people felt comfortable and confident in their ability to stay in their homes for...

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